We are fortunate to have many caring LGBTQ support service agencies serving North Texas and beyond.
I encourage you to volunteer your time, or donate money, goods, or services to any organization you connect with. Please feel free to email me to add a group not shown below.
No matter where you live in Texas, you can dial 2-1-1, or
(877) 541-7905, and find information about resources in your local community. Whether you need help finding food or housing, child care, crisis counseling or substance abuse treatment, one number is all you need to know.
Access and Information Network (AIN)
AIN Works to prevent the spread of HIV and serves persons living with HIV/AIDS and other vulnerable populations. AIN addresses practical and healthcare needs through provision of wrap-around support services, health education, linkage to care, and prevention programs.
AIN 2600 North Stemmons Fwy., Suite 151
Dallas, TX 75207
P: 214-943-4444
Email: info@AINDallas.org
Our mission is to provide services that address health, social and economic disparities among African American men with a particular emphasis on gay, bisexual and male to female Transgender individuals and their families in Dallas County. Also offering free HIV, and syphilis testing, case management, referral services, temporary housing, PrEP education, substance abuse counseling, and more.
​​Abounding Prosperity, Inc.
Corporate Office
2311 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
Dallas, Texas 75215
P: 214-421-4800
AIDS Services of Dallas provides housing and support services for low income and homeless individuals and families living with HIV/AIDS. The mission of ASD is to create and strengthen healthy communities through the delivery of quality, affordable, service-enriched housing for individuals and families living with HIV/AIDS.
​ASD’s mission includes advocacy, education, and the development of affordable housing options and community development opportunities, both for its residents living with HIV/AIDS, and for economically disadvantaged people.
Services include Congregate Housing, Housing Based Case Management, Food Services, Medical Case Management, and Transportation.
​Mailing address: PO BOX 4338, Dallas, TX 75208-0338 / 214-941-0523
Our mission is to ensure that all transgender men and SLGBTQI individuals are acknowledged, provided equal access and protection under the law to contribute to a productive society. We accomplish our mission of equality, advocacy and empowerment for our greater social community, through education.
3530 Forest Lane #38 Dallas, TX 75234 / 1+855-BLK - TMEN
City of Dallas FRESH START Housing Assistance
These programs provide rental assistance and supportive services to homeless and at- risk of homelessness individuals and families, including ex-offenders. The program offers case management/ supportive services as the participants obtain and remain in stable housing. The supportive services help participants increase skills and/or income, with the goal of becoming self-sufficient.
(214) 671-9950 or email HILI-TBRA@dallascityhall.com
Dallas Housing Authority DHA provides quality, affordable housing to low-income families and individuals through the effective and efficient administration of housing assistance programs across North Texas.
HOUSING CHOICE VOUCHER PROGRAM (SECTION 8) which offers rental assistance for private market housing of your choice.
Dallas Vet Center 214-361-5896 "Open Alliance" LGBTQ Veterans Support Group. Also offers Individual and group counseling for Veterans, Service members, and their families. Also provides Substance abuse assessment and referral, Military sexual trauma counseling and referral, Community outreach and education, Employment referral. vet
8610 Greenville Ave. Suite 125, Dallas, 75243
Dress for Success Dallas 972-392-9700 Interview clothes for women
5580 Preston Lane, Suite 155, Dallas 75240
General questions lauren@dressforsuccessdallas.org
The mission of Dress for Success is to empower women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and the development tools to help women thrive in work and in life.
Homebase for Housing / housing assistance search engine
Whether you are unexpectedly in need of housing or have been planning a move, there are several options to explore in your housing search. Homebase for Housing is committed to providing accurate information to help you succeed in your search.
If you are living with HIV and need one-on-one assistance with housing resources, you can contact our Program Housing Specialist, Jefferlyn Harper-Harris, by phone at 214-520-6308 ext. 340 or by email at jefferlyn@legacycounseling.org.
League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC),
Dallas Rainbow Council # 4871
​Our mission is to create and foster a dialogue between the Hispanic/Latino and LGBTQ Community which have a common goal; full equality!
In 2006, the League of United Latin American Citizens approved the formation of the LULAC Dallas Rainbow Council #4871 in Dallas, Texas and founded by community advocate Jesse Garcia. Since that time, LULAC – the oldest and largest Hispanic civil rights organization – has taken bold steps to advance equal justice under law for all Latinos—including our Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) sisters and brothers.
Programs: ​lulac.org/programs/lgbt
Email: lulac4871@gmail.com
Mailing address: PO BOX 192336, Dallas, TX 75219
Need Help Paying Bills You can get assistance and grants in all counties and cities in Texas listed below, including Houston and Dallas. Get help for rent, utilities, free food, and health care. Also, in addition to the state programs listed below, find government assistance as well as organizations and charities in Texas that can provide additional emergency financial help with many different types of bill
North Dallas Shared Ministries Financial assistance, housing
We have four main goals in support of our charitable mission to help low-income people assume as much responsibility for their lives as they are able:
First, we provide appropriate emergency assistance.
Second, we help them access entitlement, health and community programs designed to help them achieve long-term stability.
Third, we promote their wellness and financial independence.
Fourth, we develop resource materials that can lead them to additional services and support.
* Must live in our service area zip codes shown on our web site
2875 Merrell Rd., Dallas, TX 75229
Operation Kindness 972-418-7297
Can temporarily provide free pet food. Visit their website and complete the application. Our mission is to care for homeless cats and dogs in a no-kill environment until each is adopted into responsible homes and to advocate humane values and behavior.
3201 Earhart Drive, Carrollton, TX 75006
Dallas Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays
PFLAG envisions a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are respected, valued, and affirmed inclusive of their sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.
By meeting people where they are and collaborating with others, PFLAG realizes its vision through:
Support for families, allies and people who are LGBTQ
Education for ourselves and others about the unique issues and challenges facing people who are LGBTQ
Advocacy in our communities to change attitudes and create policies and laws that achieve full equality for people who are LGBTQ
Northaven United Methodist Church, Room 250, 11211 Preston Rd., Dallas, 75230
Email: pflagdallas@outlook.com
​The Vision of Resource Center is to be a nationally recognized leader whose services ensure physical, emotional, and social health, and equality, understanding, and acceptance for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer/questioning (LGBTQ) and HIV communities.
Resource Center operates: Community Center, Health Campus, Nelson-Tebedo Clinic, Nutrition Center, Empowerment Campus, Dental Health.
Also provides free HIV/STD testing (214-528-2336), hormone therapy, behavioral health counseling (214-393-3640), case management, transgender support, free computer time, and more.
Please call to get information about locations and services.
P: 214-521-5124
​Email: info@myresourcecenter.org
Transgender Education Network of Texas
TENT is an organization dedicated to furthering gender diverse equality in Texas. We work to accomplish this through education and networking in both public and private forums. Through our efforts we strive to halt discrimination through social, legislative, and corporate education.
Trans Pride Initiative
​Trans Health Empowerment
Trans Pride Initiative is working to provide assistance and support for transgender, transsexual, and gender nonconforming persons in areas of healthcare, housing, employment, education, and public accommodations.
Our initial efforts are focusing on healthcare and housing issues and assistance. To see some of the materials we have available for information and use, please see the resources pages.
If you would like to get involved, support us, or tell us about your experiences accessing healthcare or shelter, feel free to email us at admin@tpride.org. The Trans community is disproportionately affected by HIV and STI's. Trans Health Empowerment is for you to get informed, knowledge is power, take charge of your health, love yourself and stay healthy!
614 West Davis St., Dallas, TX 75208 / 214-449-1439 / ​info@tpride.org
Trans-Cendence, International, Inc.
Dallas / Fort Worth / Denton / Oklahoma City
Trans-Cendence International is the primary support group open to those who identify as transgender persons, those who are thinking about questions of gender and those who support the transgender community.
Trans-Cendence International is committed to the support and well-being of the transgender and gender-diverse community and their SOFFAs (Significant Others, Family, Friends and Allies). We work to build an inclusive community by creating programs to educate others. We empower individuals to seek equal and civil rights to which they are entitled as members of the human race.
Dallas Vet Center 214-361-5896 We Serve All Who Served
Mind Above Counseling 469-496-5695 Jeremy Fusco, LSCW,
An important LGBTQ ally, Jeremy brings his almost 12 years of military service, USC Masters Degree, and innovative counseling solutions to his practice.
Veterans Crisis Line 1-800-273-8255, Press 1
Are you a Veteran in crisis or concerned about one?
Connect with the Veterans Crisis Line to reach caring, qualified responders with the Department of Veterans Affairs. Many of them are Veterans themselves.
US Department of Veterans Affairs: LBGT Outreach
We Serve All Who Served - Online information of benefits.